

At Hedin Mobility Group, we strive to have open and transparent workplaces where misconduct should not occur. Our whistleblowing service provides a platform to report suspected wrongdoings that affect people, our organisation, society or the environment. It gives us, as a company, the opportunity to prevent or correct any wrongdoing.

You play a crucial role in raising any concerns about potential misbehaviour, whether they are ethical breaches, violations of laws or significant safety risks. Although evidence is not required, all reports must be made in good faith.

You can raise your concerns anonymously through our reporting channel, which is managed by a third-party provider, WhistleB.

Go to WhistleB

Reporting channel


WhistleB ensures the anonymity of the whistleblower. The service is separate from the organisation's IT environment and does not track IP addresses or other data that could identify the reporter.